Meeting a stranger

Meeting a stranger

We are stuck in a loop: After so much savory food we need something sweet (slavishly following our overshooting insulin levels). The first few bites of potato Donuts in india town of Jakarta are great; the first few sips of sugarcane-juice in a random mall are even better, but…. The sweetness needs a counterweight. So we try umami heavy vegan japanese Style Ramen and there we are: groundhogday in our mouths.

As we journey from one spectacular food palace to the next, we fit in some cultural highlights. In the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara (MACAN) we gorge our eyes on the dark exhibit of indonesian artist Agus Suwage. The Kunstkring Art Gallery offers a less gaudy but personal view into the history of Jakarta.

Way too early we have to end our trip. With many tears we part from the family at the airport and fly to dubai. There, at the most unlikely place we meet an interesting strange. Just before our flight back home to Düsseldorf we enjoy a big coffee at some francise restaurant as a middle aged man sits down next to us. I start a converstation about his violin and it turns out, he is flying to greenland. As a former fan of the National Geographic magazine I am delighted to hear, that he is a cofounder of the magazine in New Zealand. Maybe I have to pickup reading a magazine again.

I most definitely have to travel back to Indonesia!!!