Kuta means the end

Kuta means the end
A small statue next to the beach promenade.

We finalize our Journey in Kuta. Kuta is ...

  • gigantic statues of monkey gods hulking over the shore,
  • a beach so crowded in the evening your feet become barely sandy,
  • Australian tourists daydrinking an the pool (the first Bintang done at 10 o'clock),
  • So many shops, restaurants, bars, spas and hotels you wonder where all the people are living,
  • party and fireworks every night,
  • and so much more for shure.
A boat single boat and the setting sun.

For us Kuta means the end of our journey.

Boats in the evening sun.

Next to the airport we have some final nice days of leisure. Actually we are not doing much other than enjoying good food, the weather, warm water and nice people. We let the pictures speak.